Respect & Inclusivity
You (ie, Guests, Visitors, Members, Staff, and Partners of The {un}Known) are expected to treat each other and those without affiliation to The {un}Known with respect and kindness.
The {un}Known strictly prohibits all forms of harassment, including discrimination, hate speech, and/or improper judgement of one's lifestyle.
This includes any comments or behaviors that are directed towards a person’s race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, or disability.

You (ie, Guests, Visitors, Members, Staff, and Partners of The {un}Known) are expected to communicate with others as clearly and effectively as possible.
Use clear and concise language, especially when telling others to stop a behavior that makes you uncomfortable or upset.
In the case that you are unhappy with someone's behavior and they don't stop when told, contact a staff member.
In the case that you are unhappy with a staff or team member, email us directly.

You (ie, Guests, Visitors, Members, Staff, and Partners of The {un}Known) are expected to exhibit good sportsmanship both in victory and defeat.
This means that you should not taunt, grief, trash-talk, gloat, t-bag, troll, or cyberbully other players, regardless of the situation.
The {un}Known does not tolerate behavior that is unsportsmanlike or disrespectful.

Fair Play
You (ie, Guests, Visitors, Members, Staff, and Partners of The {un}Known) when playing multiplayer games, are expected to play fairly at all times.
This means that you should not use cheats or exploit glitches in order to receive any sort of benefit.
The {un}Known does not support any form of hacking in or modding of games where in doing so, it violates their terms of service.

You (ie, Guests, Visitors, Members, Staff, and Partners of The {un}Known) are expected to respect the privacy and confidentiality of others.
You are not to share personal information or private conversations without prior consent.
This includes sharing personal information such as names, addresses, and phone numbers.
As well as sharing any confidential information such as plans, strategies, and private messages.

You (ie, Guests, Visitors, Members, Staff, and Partners of The {un}Known) are expected to take accountability for your own actions and words.
You are held accountable for any behavior that violates our Code of Conduct.
Any violations of our Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, including expulsion from the clan or termination of partnership.